Certainty on uncertainty is so refreshing to hear, sometimes its okay to not have all the answers and that definitely needs to be normalised! I really like how you talk about permission to se individual thresholds as well, things that don’t have to be the same for everyone. Thanks for sharing Filiz!

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Yes, writing it out has definitely been helpful for me in the past! Anytime I'm feeling overwhelmed I'll start a 'free write' and usually I can start to identify what's bothering me. Thanks for this thoughtful post, Filiz!

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> Writing out ‘hot thoughts’ (those knee-jerk reactions you have to a situation) separates you from your feelings. Feelings are not facts, and our anxiety tends to spike when we’re not being mindful of the present. When we see our inner monologue on a page, we can often parse what's rooted in reality and what’s not.

This is so true and a great tip. Love this post!

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